Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

9 Free Summer Activities for Kids!

Written by Rachel Borchardt | May 20, 2024 3:30:00 PM

Summer is finally here! The days are longer, the sun is shining, and the kids are...bouncing off the walls with boredom? Don't worry, parents! You don't need to break the bank to keep your little ones entertained. Here are some fantastic free (or almost-free) activities to create lasting summer memories with your crew!


Get Back to Nature:

  • Park Palooza: Pack a picnic lunch and head to your local park. Let the kids run wild on the playground, explore the walking trails, or have a friendly game of frisbee.
  • Nature Scavenger Hunt: Turn your neighborhood into an adventure! Create a list of things to find - different colored leaves, interesting rocks, types of birds - and see who can complete the list first.
  • Starry Nights: As the days get longer, the nights become perfect for stargazing. Download a free stargazing app and spread out a blanket in your backyard to explore the constellations.

Embrace the Arts:

  • Free Museum Days: Many museums offer free admission on specific days or evenings. Check your local listings and explore a new exhibit or historical site.
  • Sidewalk Masterpieces: Grab some colorful sidewalk chalk and turn your driveway or sidewalk into a work of art! Kids can create masterpieces, play hopscotch, or invent their own sidewalk games.
  • DIY Crafts: Get creative with materials you have around the house! Turn cardboard boxes into forts or robots, collect colorful leaves to make a nature collage, or have a family tie-dye party with old white t-shirts.

Splashing Fun (Almost Free):

  • Sprinkler Spectacle: Beat the heat with a simple sprinkler! Set it up in your backyard and let the kids cool off with a refreshing run-through.
  • Public Pool Paradise: Many communities offer free or low-cost public pools during the summer months. Pack your swimsuits and towels and enjoy a day of aquatic fun.
  • Water Balloon Wars: This classic backyard activity is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser! Fill up some water balloons (bonus points for biodegradable ones!), divide into teams, and soak each other in a friendly water battle.

Bonus Tip: Get the neighbors involved! Organize a community potluck in the park, a neighborhood block party, or a kids' sports day. Sharing the fun makes it even more special.


Remember: With a little creativity and planning, you can create a summer filled with free (or almost-free) fun for your kids. So ditch the screens, step outside, and make some magical summer memories together!


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