Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

Indoor Holiday Activities for Kids

Written by Carly Ritter | Dec 20, 2018 4:43:04 PM

Indoor Holiday Activities for Kids

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

We have already had several snow days.  The temperatures have definitely dropped.  Everywhere you look there are holiday lights and holiday decorations.  We are quickly approaching schools' winter breaks!  The winter holidays are one of my favorite times of the year, but what do you do with kids who have been cooped up inside for too long?  Do you roll the dice, bundle them up, and send them outside to run off their extra energy?  Not a bad idea!  However, I have some even better ideas for you that don't involve the risk of possible frost bite.  Below are my seven favorite indoor holiday activities for kids.

7 Indoor Holiday Activities for Kids

1. Ski Jumpers Craft 

Have your kids color and decorate their ski jumpers.  They should color both ski jumpers that are mirror images of each other.  Older kids can cut out their ski jumpers themselves, but I would recommend helping any of the younger kids cut out their ski jumpers.  I don't usually cut out the ski jumper exactly on the lines, but prefer to cut a general oval around him.  This makes it easier to attach him to the straw anyways.  Tape a plastic coffee stirrer in between the two ski jumpers.  Give each kid a straw, and insert the end of their ski jumper's coffee stirrer into the straw.  Kids make the skier "jump" by blowing into the straw.  

2. Frisbee Ice Skating

This is a fan favorite for preschoolers through big-kids.  Each kid gets two upside-down frisbees (one for each foot).  Kids then pretend to ice skate around the floor.  This game works best on carpet or a rug.  If you're fresh out of frisbees, then paper or plastic plates, or furniture sliders, work well too.  Challenge your kids to show their best ice skating moves, and turn on some upbeat music to really get everyone hyped up!

3. Winter Sports Charades

Print or draw out different picture cards representing each winter sport.  The basic ones I like to include are ice skating, skiing, bobsled, ski jumping, curling, and hockey.  Each kid picks one card and tries to act out the sport, while the other kids (and adults!) try to guess which sport they are.  

4. Santa's Toys Scavenger Hunt

Ask your kids to pick out a couple of their favorite toys.  Then tell them that they have to close their eyes while you hide the toys around the house.  Each kid must find all of their toys.  I usually like to start with simple hiding places, and gradually make them sneakier and sneakier.  When I was younger this game would occupy my little siblings for hours!

5. Gift Wrap Bow Wreaths

Cut the middle out of a paper plate, and lay out an assortment of wrapping paper bows.  Each child sticks bows on their plate ring until the entire ring is covered.  This is the easiest-peasiest wreath you will ever create.  And they are adorable!  Let each kid hang their wreath on their bedroom door for bonus fun.

6. DIY Holiday Window Stickers

Start with a bottle of White School Glue and holiday-colored food coloring.  Open the bottle of glue and mix in a large amount of the food coloring.  (Be prepared to use most of a bottle of food coloring to make the colors extra vibrant).  Lay out a large sheet of wax paper for each kid.  Kids use the glue to "paint" holiday themed pictures on their wax paper.  Once the glue has dried, you can peel the pictures off the wax paper and stick them to a window.  

7. DIY Indoor Sensory Snow

In a large bowl mix together 2 cups of baking soda with 1/2 cup of conditioner.  This is an awesome sensory experience that will truly amaze the kiddos.  The snow is cool to the touch and smells wonderful!  As a bonus, it is incredibly easy to clean up.  Both ingredients dissolve under water!  

I hope you enjoy these activities as much as I have!  Do you have your own favorite indoor holiday activity?  Let us know in the comments!