Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

Coach Spotlight: Meet Courtney

Written by Rachel Borchardt | Aug 29, 2024 7:27:03 PM

Are you ready to discover the amazing world of gymnastics and the stellar coaches at Pinnacle Gymnastics? In this blog post, we will shine a spotlight on Coach Courtney, the Recreational Director at Pinnacle Gymnastics, who has dedicated over two decades to coaching young athletes. With a passion for uplifting children's confidence and teaching them valuable life skills through the sport, Coach Courtney's journey to becoming the Recreational Director is a true inspiration. Join us as we delve into her story, accomplishments, passions outside of work, and even her hidden talents. Get ready to be inspired by Coach Courtney's dedication and love for gymnastics at Pinnacle Gymnastics! Now... let's get to know Coach Courtney!


Meet Coach Courtney

Courtney is the Recreational Director at Pinnacle Gymnastics. She has been coaching gymnastics since the summer of 1998 (26 years!) and has worked at Pinnacle for six of those years. She got involved at Pinnacle after a friend told her how much her kid enjoyed class.

Q: What is your favorite part about working at Pinnacle?

A: I love the unique qualities that each coach brings to work every day. There is a common goal to uplift the kiddos confidence and to teach them how to be successful adults through this incredible sport. The passion each coach has for teaching our youth has such a powerful presence and impact! Being able to see that shine through in the kiddos progress and success brings me so much joy!

Q: Tell us the story of your proudest accomplishment at Pinnacle so far?

A: I feel like I have a lot of accomplishments at Pinnacle because I am surrounded by fierce, loving, and kind people that have lifted me up when I have been at some very low points in my life. I suppose my proudest would have to getting offered the position of Recreational Director. To have women I view as mentors and friends believe in my ability to take on such a pivotal role was, to say the least, an incredible feeling! I am beyond blessed to be able to help support my family while doing a job that I absolutely love!


Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

A: My husband Tyler, my family (including my dog-son Blue-Bear) and UGA football. GO DAWGS! I am also very involved with our new church plant, The Way, and the mission we have to bring light to darkness. Our group is unlike any church group I have ever known. Everyone has a passion to show the love of God and has their own unique story. There is no shame or condemnation for anyone's past, only the desire to show kindness, light, and love to all!


Q: Do you have any hidden talents or interesting hobbies?

A: I can still do a straight arm kip and I love playing word games like crosswords, word scrambles, and text twist!


Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share?

A: I would like to share my favorite quote: "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind."


Coach Courtney's passion for gymnastics and dedication to empowering young athletes shines through in her work at Pinnacle Gymnastics. Her journey to becoming the Recreational Director is a testament to her hard work and the supportive community at Pinnacle.


To learn more about the incredible coaches and programs at Pinnacle Gymnastics, explore our blog for insights on gymnastics classes, health benefits, and fun drills!


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