Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

Why Parents Need a Date Night

Written by Trish Hodson | Dec 27, 2018 9:36:25 PM

Why Parents Need a Date Night

As busy parents, we could always use a night out or a quiet night in.  With work, school, kids’ activities and all the other odds and ends that we do on a daily basis, sometimes you just need a break.

Now it doesn’t have to be a weekly thing but try to take one day out of the month to have a date night. Couples who go on date nights have better communication and fewer conflicts. Individuals continue to change over time as they and their relationship develop, they experience new challenges and problems.

Take the Time to Work on You

Researchers are discovering “couples who engage in novel activities that are fun and active – from bowling to dancing to travel to card games- enjoy higher levels of relationship quality”. In this way, couples counter act a tendency to take each other for granted. They also say that couples benefit from a regular date night if they use it as an opportunity to do more than the standard dinner and a movie. Try to do things that peak each other’s interests. Date nights may strengthen a couple’s sense of commitment to one another. Partners who put one another first and who cultivate a strong sense of togetherness are markedly happier than less committed couples. Date nights are a way to relieve stress. They allow couples to enjoy time with one another apart from the normal stresses of everyday life.

The importance of the “date night” comes back to the point that these days, people live increasingly busy lives and often the time and effort required to successfully nurture a relationship can fall to the wayside. Relationships are work and while so many of us are happy to work on fitness, career or family goals we tend to neglect our personal relationships. I think relationships can seem to just be there and its easy to take our partners for granted. We assume that they will always be there, when in fact that relationship is an important project in our life that needs focus and attention.

The Time is Now

Let’s face it, our lives are so busy and full. If we don’t make the time for our partners, feelings of being taken for granted can easily come up. That is a downfall to any relationship “the feeling of being taken for granted”. This goes for all relationships work, friends and loved ones.

I think that sometimes society frowns upon parents taking a moment for themselves. Its ok to take a break away and rejuvenate yourselves. You will be a better friend, co-worker & parent. If we don’t take time to recharge and run our selves ragged, we do not preform at our best. 

So, if you are in need of a parent’s night out and you are looking to find a safe fun place for the kiddos to go. Remember that Pinnacle has a Parents Night Out that is a different theme each month. Take a look at our activity calendar online for more detailed information.