Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

'Twas The Day After Halloween

Written by mochynka | Nov 2, 2016 12:57:43 AM

'Twas the day after Halloween, when all through the house
All the creatures were stirring, even starting to bounce;
The pumpkins were full of candy they wouldn't share,
When you asked for a Reese's you just got a blank stare.
The children were acting as if they were still in bed,
While visions of goblins danced in their heads;

With dad of at work, and I stuck at home,
I guided the children through the catacombs;
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
We sprang to the bus before tears started to splatter.
Away to the car I flew like a flash,
I had to get some Starbucks before the mid-morning crash!
The catch up I played to get the house back in order,
Decorations put away (no I am not a hoarder).

But the day flew by quickly, with so much to do,
And before I knew it, my fears had come true.
More rapid than eagles off the bus they came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and called out my name:
"Mom", "Mommy", "Mama" on repeat it rang,
All the way to the porch, up the stairs they sang.
Then as they entered I knew I was in trouble,

One had wet pants, the other ran in on the double.
After backpacks and shoes were finally put up,
We grabbed a candy free snack and filled up our cups.
We began to do homework, but their minds drifted astray,
More tears followed as we talked about arrays.
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When my kids met with an obstacle, they fell down and cried.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard in the garage,
My husband came home, no more sabotage.
He joined us for dinner, a bowlful of curry,
And could tell at once, we had better hurry.
After dinner we whisked them off to bed,
The kids knew for sure they had early bed time to dread.

While we guided them up to bed time with joy,
We didn't even care about stepping over the toys.
We sprang to the sink and helped them brush their teeth,
Then picked a book that would put them to sleep.
Then they heard us exclaim as they drifted off like Frankenstein,
"We did it. They're done. It's time for some wine!"


For all the tired moms and dads out there, Happy November :)