Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

5 Reasons To Enroll in Summer Dance Classes for Kids

Written by mochynka | Apr 10, 2018 6:11:52 PM

5 Reasons To Enroll in Summer Dance Classes for Kids

Every year, children look forward to the well-deserved break from studies that is Summer. But many parents struggle to find ways to keep their kids active all year long. Dance classes for kids are an effective and stimulating way to keep your child motivated during the summer. Summer dance classes for kids offer a great, high-energy, no-fuss environment with programs for children ages 3 and up.

Here are just a few advantages of enrollment in dance classes for kids:

  1. Mental Stimulation: Many parents worry about the impact lack of mental stimulation may have on their children. Dance helps maintain mental skills, as steps and routines require focus and memorization. Because dancing is lively and physically engaging, your child won’t view it as “work,” but they’ll still reap all the mental benefits of keeping their brains active.
  1. New Friendships: You can expand your child’s social horizons by enrolling them in dance. Children will improve their collaboration skills and will meet new people in class they wouldn’t have otherwise.

  1. Exposure To New Styles: If your child has stuck with one dance style up to this point, summer classes provide an excellent opportunity to explore other types. The summer programs at Pinnacle Gymnastics incorporates a broad range of styles, including hip-hop, ballet, tap, jazz, and creative movement.
  1. A Break From the Sun: Enjoying the outdoors promotes both mental and physical wellness in children, but the sun is at its maximum strength in June, July, and August. Limiting your child’s exposure helps prevent sunburn and dehydration. With dance lessons, kids can enjoy active fun while taking some time away from the hot sun.  
  1. Creative Outlets: Dance doesn’t just foster mental focus—it also provides opportunities for children to use their creativity. Through inventive movement, children can learn to embrace healthy outlets for expressing themselves. 

Don’t wait to reserve your child’s spot in Pinnacle Gymnastics summer dance classes for kids. Call to learn more about enrollment, or read about dance options at Pinnacle Gymnastics!