Pinnacle Gymnastics Kansas City Blog

Gym and Learn Rocks!

Written by mochynka | Jul 15, 2016 2:16:10 AM

Being a preschool teacher for over 9 years now, I am constantly looking for new projects for my students. When the Shawnee Dispatch article crossed my path, I knew it would be a great one for my students to participate in. After all, preschool is about so much more than letters and numbers, but about teaching young children about all aspects of life, from communication to activism. What better way than to have my kiddos paint rocks and send them on their way to hide them around Shawnee, bringing joy to other children who find them!

In case you have not heard about this program, it is pretty awesome! Started by the Shawnee Mayor Michelle Distler, you paint a rock (or several) and hide them in public areas around Shawnee. This includes businesses (there may be one hidden by Pinnacle, *wink wink*), parks, and more! If you are lucky enough to find one, you can either re-hide it or paint your own rock to hide. Each rock should have #shawneeksrocks on the bottom, so be sure to post a picture to the Facebook page if you find one so the original painter can see who found it.

Doesn’t this sound like a great program for preschoolers to participate in? I am a firm believer that preschool is so important for so many aspects of the young child. Not only does preschool help build the foundation for their education (colors, shapes, letters, etc.) but it is typically one of the first times the students have interaction with their peers. This means that the preschool teachers spends a good portion of their day mediating social interactions, helping guide the student through difficult situations; such as a friend taking their toy or asking to play with something someone else has, and learning independence from mom. The preschooler also has to work on waiting their turn, following directions, and so much more! In my class, I find it important to learn to be active in the society around them, allowing the student to become a contributing, productive member of society. These aspects of preschool are often missed by the parent, focusing on the academic side. I promise that learning these skills early in life will lead to stronger, more well rounded adults in the future!

We had a great time this morning painting our rocks and helping build this unique program within the City of Shawnee! Each child was able to paint two and they took one home to hide and left one for me to hide. I have a feeling several will be around the parks in Western Shawnee, so make sure to check around on your next trip out!

By: Kirsten Conrad
Gym and Learn Director at Pinnacle Gymnastics

Interested in the Gym and Learn Program? Spaces are filling up fast!